I regret little, but in looking back I am disappointed at my not participating in a reflection project for 2011. That year was so excruciating and painful and joyful and liberating and full that it is very much a blur of change. I should have recorded some part of it - though a peek into my December Daily 2011 will certainly give an indication to why the project did not get completed!

I enjoyed participating in reverb10 which resulted in a beautiful blog, a wonderful keepsake album and a collection of incredible memories - fully recorded. For 2010, I will always remember where I was and where I was planning on going. I want to go through that same exercise again for 2012. This past year was equally worth remembering.

Not that I have an abundance of time this year, but I do have a great desire, so that will have to do! I have curated a number of prompts from many resources. Those I've selected can be found below as well as a few of my own, they have each been attributed as best I can.

10 December 2012

day ten | accomplish

prompt: accomplish

What are the 10 things you are most proud of accomplishing this year? What are the 10 things on top of the to do list for next year? (Author: Me) 

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I am all about the list – and the calendar. Better than making the list is doing the chores on the list: a bunch of crossed off chores and big “x” marking the passage of days is so gratifying, it lets me know that I’ve been productive and many big and small things have been accomplished. Sometimes the undertakings are not as tangible, but equally or more impactful than planning a trip, doing the laundry or making dinner.

1.  Standing up for my children and being their best advocate – always.

2.  Purchasing a truck that will get us through the next 10+ years of kids through high school and moving to university.

3.  Recognizing that necessary repairs don’t fix themselves – and fixing them, immediately.

4.  Yielding when necessary, but not compromising my beliefs and convictions to make someone else happy. If I don’t have to forsake a part of my soul, I’ll yield.

5.  Supporting Caden when he invited his grandpapa for a visit knowing it would be (politely) rejected. Supporting all of my kids in their increasingly complicated relationships.

6.  Letting go of preconceived expectations of my kids and letting them find their way. Realizing my position is now that of unwavering supporter, not creator or critic.

7.  Solidifying the bond between my four children. They really are as different from each other as four points on a compass, but in the middle they are one solid unit. That was a huge priority.

8.  Creating a space that reflects me. My home is becoming my castle: a modest, comfortable and welcoming space in the world. I’d rather have less and have it be exquisite than have more and have it resemble a junk sale.  

9.  We found an optometrist, dentist and orthodontist and have had our eyes and teeth fixed up and everything is now tip top! No more procrastinating!

10. Though there are still a few boxes left to unpack and paintings to hang, much of the house is functioning really well. Not only does it look great, it functions well. No projects left undone. No junk lying around. Order = peace.

For next year?

1.  Get healthy and strong.

2.  Get all of those boxes unpacked, pictures hung and everything in the house organized 100%

3.  Get out of the house more and engage in the world around me. With and without the camera.

4.  Find another “perfect situation” job opportunity and go for it, again. The difference? Get it this time!

5.  Plan some mama time away. Single parenting 24/7 is rewarding but exhausting. A break is needed!

6.  Date.

7.  Catch up on all of my creative pursuits.

8.  Create a container garden oasis on the back deck.

9.  Get more light into the house by installing a ton of pot lights!

10. Embrace fully “clean” eating and cut out all refined sugar - completely.


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